Saturday, August 23, 2008


EyviCat and GentlePie celebrated their anniversary last August 1. Due to circumstances beyond my emotional control (meaning, I was a manic-depressive wreck), I wasn't able to do this article promptly. This has been a long outstanding project of mine, and so, even though it's delayed, I'm posting it here, now.

I’ve known EyviCat since the Meliora Eligo days, and GentlePie, well since EyviCat introduced us. Our first major trip with GentlePie was when we, along with Bleech and Bulldog, went to my province for some R&R. That was in 2005. Since then, we go out of town at least once every year. I’m looking forward for this year’s excursion.

GentlePie is easily impressed. That first trip of ours was nothing short of sensory overload for the poor creature. It was kind of amusing to see GentlePie’s reaction whenever I try to point out a valley or a beach barely visible from the road.

We didn’t have too many pictures during that trip. We were then only reliant upon EyviCat’s digicam and its short battery life. Camera whoring was not yet a lifestyle and obsession then. What I have are mental images of that trip, the strongest of which, of EyviCat and GentlePie walking along the beach, I tried putting into words to the best of my ability.

I wrote this piece the night we got back from the province, and sent it to them the moment I deemed it complete. I’m rededicating it to them now, in honor of their anniversary। Stay in love, you guys!


Untitled 16.10.05

Memory fails to compare another place as beautiful.

Angels must have come to give life to their voice,

Nurturing this untamed paradise.

Gathering the dusts of creation, embracing the waves;

Caressing it to perfection.

Amazement fills my being, my very core, my soul

Merging delight, desire, devotion

Arousing my urge to sing litanies of praise.

Green shallows turn to deepest blue

Onward to vast horizons of isles unnamed.

Nothing else could be more sublime

Going through the sands with your hand in mine...

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