Sunday, September 7, 2008


I know I'm gonna get rapped at the back of my head for even thinking it, but I'm getting fat.

I can already imagine the unified gasps of people and the killing looks of my healthier friends. I mean, how can I even think that, when everyone is complaining that I'm so thin, I'm almost transparent!

Yes, my cheeks are drooping, my eyebags are luggages, by bones are prodtuding; BUT my midsection is expanding. I have never had six-pack abs, but then at least before it was flat. And now, my midsection is wider than chest! My scoliosis has something to do with that, but I can't always blame it on that.

I blame my 5-month hiatus from volleyball, and my slackenning metabolism. Before, I can eat anything I want and how much of it I want and I just burn it all off. Not anymore. Thus the need to return to playing.

But responsibilities should be met as well. For the past month, I was able to play a few sessions at the cost of my night work; but that has to stop. I need to find a suitable middleground that would enable me to log enough time for work, while at the same time satisfying my need for physical activity. And I need to come up with that plan now.

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